He is like fire, burning through time
As old as forever, but fast in his prime
I saw his blue spaceship materialize
He looked out and said to me "Run for your life!"
I don't know why I never thought to ask for his name
But I really don't think he'd have told me the truth anyway
But that's ok
It's completely terrifying, but it's so, so exciting
He said I was brilliant and I could change the world
So many places I've been; there's so much more to see
We've got galaxies and planets and moons
And an awful lot of running to do
forever - na zawsze
every - dejte pozor
anyway - tak czy inaczej
links - spinki do mankietów
planets - planet
world - świat
dream - śnić
galaxies - galaktyki
danger - niebezpieczeństwo
wiring - okablowanie
could - mógłby
fragment - fragment
never - nigdy
burning - palenie
change - Zmiana
exciting - ekscytujący
circuit - Obwód
terrifying - przerażający
death - śmierć
other - inny
another - inne
completely - całkowicie
chameleon - kameleon
before - przed
brilliant - znakomity
vortex - Wir
prime - główny
galaxy - galaktyka
happier - szczęśliwiej
think - myśleć
looked - spojrzał
materialize - zmaterializować
moons - księżyce
phone - telefon
places - miejsca
awful - straszny
please - proszę
binary - dwójkowy
really - naprawdę
running - bieganie
signal - sygnał
spaceship - statek kosmiczny
thought - myśl
mundane - doczesny
through - przez
although - mimo że
truth - Prawda
companion - towarzysz
unreasonably - nierozsądnie
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