The day is almost over and the sunlight is going

And the people walk in shadows, completely unknowing

That there's something lethal in the air that they can't see

Now a Time Lord could save me just by turning on a light

But I don't think that the Doctor's gonna show up tonight

And so I'm trying to remember what the library said to me

Gotta focus on all the silhouettes that you can see

'Cause if the number keeps on changing then you're no use to me

So count the shadows, count the shadows

'Cause they're edging towards you like a hungry moth to a flame

So count the shadows, count the shadows

'Cause if you've got more than one

Then you're the victim that they will claim

In the library the darkness is waiting to attack

And some explorers went inside but they ain't never coming back

Namely Miss Evangelista, Anita and two guys called Dave

And the shadows made four thousand other people disappear

unknowing - Nieświadomy
turning - obrócenie
tonight - dzisiejszej nocy
waiting - czekanie
thousand - tysiąc
switch - Przełącznik
sunlight - światło słoneczne
fresh - świeży
edging - borta
flame - płomień
disappear - znikać
never - nigdy
darkness - ciemność
could - mógłby
carnivorous - mięsożerny
explorers - odkrywcy
people - ludzie
completely - całkowicie
coming - przyjście
anita - Anita
almost - prawie
armada - armada
aggressive - agresywny
attack - atak
silhouettes - sylwetki
focus - skupiać
shadows - cienie
trying - próbować
called - nazywa
changing - wymiana pieniędzy
count - liczyć
going - chodzenie
victim - Ofiara
gotta - musieć
other - inny
contemplate - rozważać
hungry - głodny
tingle - swędzić
namely - mianowicie
think - myśleć
claim - roszczenie
reaching - osiągając
leaving - odejście
towards - w kierunku
invisible - niewidzialny
keeps - utrzymuje
lethal - śmiertelny
library - biblioteka
number - numer
light - lekki
piranhas - piranie
inside - wewnątrz
something - coś
million - milion
whole - cały
register - zarejestrować
gonna - gonna
prepared - przygotowany
remember - zapamiętaj

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