There's a crazy sense of duty
As he licks between his fingers
Wipes the ketchup from his face and hands
There's a strong determination
That his teachers never witnessed
Never close enough to understand
He's like a bull just bred for fighting
He don't deliver nothing
Outside the only thing that he knows
School report just says he's lazy
His brother says he's crazy
But take a look 'cos there he goes
wipes - chusteczki
would - by
understand - zrozumieć
ticket - bilet
there - tam
teachers - nauczyciele
sound - dźwięk
school - szkoła
report - Raport
quest - zadanie
through - przez
palaces - pałace
others - inni
nothing - nic
dreams - marzenia
thing - rzecz
between - pomiędzy
guitar - gitara
brother - brat
street - ulica
determination - determinacja
anyway - tak czy inaczej
crazy - zwariowany
deliver - dostarczyć
along - wzdłuż
avenues - aleje
strictly - rygorystycznie
sense - sens
ketchup - keczup
knows - wie
licks - liże
string - strunowy
enough - dość
guitars - gitary
fashion - moda
close - blisko
hands - ręce
witnessed - poświadczony
fighting - walczący
outside - na zewnątrz
fingers - palce
strong - silny
macho - macho
never - nigdy
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