I lie awake on a long, dark night

I can't seem to tame my mind

Slings and arrows are killing me inside

Maybe I can't accept the life that's mine

No I can't accept the life that's mine

Simple living is my desperate cry

Been trading live with indifference

yeah it suits me just fine

I try to hold on but I'm calloused to the bone

Maybe that's why I fell alone

Maybe that's why I feel alone

Me..I'm rusted and weathered

Barely holding together

I'm covered with skin that peels

weathered - wyblakły
voice - głos
together - razem
tight - mocno
rusted - zardzewiały
night - noc
maybe - może
truth - Prawda
living - życie
pride - duma
peels - skórki
believe - uwierzyć
behind - za
holding - trzymać
trading - handlowy
slings - zawiesia
leave - pozostawiać
because - bo
simple - prosty
right - dobrze
barely - ledwo
awake - obudzić
accept - zaakceptować
think - myśleć
light - lekki
alone - sam
covered - pokryty
shines - várj
avoid - uniknąć
arrows - Strzałki
giving - dający
ashes - proch
choose - wybierać
calloused - zrogowaciały
earth - ziemia
hides - skórki
killing - zabicie
desperate - zdesperowany
suits - garnitury
reminds - przypomina
fight - walka
indifference - obojętność
speaking - mówiąc
sometimes - czasami
inside - wewnątrz

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