You would give it all up in an instant
I bet you'd torch your house with your own hands.
You'd let me break your back so you could lie in it
And never get up from it.
You're back into that smack do you know
You act just like a whore beggin' for crack or a sack.
You think you revolutionize
With every breath you take you bring me down.
Does anybody know who the fuck you are.
Does anybody care how the fuck you are.
You're wasted now
And you're gettin' on down with the disco.
You're wasted now and you think
whore - kurwa
speed - prędkość
soiled - zabrudzony
think - myśleć
things - rzeczy
revolutionize - zrewolucjonizować
point - punkt
person - osoba
bring - przynieść
pants - spodnie
bleeds - krwawienia
thought - myśl
blame - winić
loves - kocha
would - by
torch - pochodnia
brings - przynosi
anybody - ktoś
breath - oddech
there - tam
disco - dyskoteka
break - Przerwa
always - zawsze
become - stają się
around - na około
those - te
everybody - wszyscy
greed - chciwość
smack - zadatki
house - dom
crack - pęknięcie
hands - ręce
wasted - zmarnowany
every - dejte pozor
people - ludzie
could - mógłby
instant - natychmiastowy
leave - pozostawiać
never - nigdy
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