I'm gonna build a fire in the middle of July

Burn your pictures and go for a drive

Down to the river watch the ink from your love letters fade

Come back home and turn that old mattress over

Pour out the whiskey try wakin' up sober

Gonna change it all tonight, gonna do whatever it takes

Yeah, cause I've lost weight and I've lost hair

And I don't intend to ever go back there

Drinkin and a-thinkin' 'bout a love that just wasn't true

There's a good chance I'll end up insane

Without enough sense to come in from the rain

My mind might be the last thing you make me loose

jones - jones
insane - szalony
heart - serce
damned - cholernie
heard - słyszał
ground - ziemia
watch - zegarek
grave - Grób
drive - Napęd
mattress - materac
forget - zapomnieć
barely - ledwo
weight - waga
years - lat
around - na około
enough - dość
above - powyżej
tears - łzy
build - budować
broken - złamany
cause - przyczyna
loose - luźny
chance - szansa
sober - trzeźwy
thing - rzecz
tonight - dzisiejszej nocy
change - Zmiana
whiskey - whisky
crazy - zwariowany
kinda - trochę
about - o
other - inny
middle - środkowy
might - moc
drinkin - napój
still - nadal
without - bez
pictures - kino
river - rzeka
intend - zamierzać
sense - sens
gonna - gonna
sleep - sen
letters - listy
takes - trwa
there - tam
whatever - cokolwiek

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