"Rusted Silhouette"
A Rusted silhouette embracing burning filament
A Verbal avalanche is serving up your innocence
I said where'd you lose your mind
A brush with synergy, you cam back all delirious
A Texas rance, a little dance, they'll take you serious
I Said where'd you lose your mind
So you're on the rise the wait is over
Hey there lucky one I'm coming over
Well I would like to take some time and tell you what I really want to say
And so my dear, it seems so clear
It wouldn't really matter anyway (it won't)
Standing in the bathroom, reflections that you'd never guess
Who would have ever thought that you would end up such a mess
would - by
wondering - pełen zdumienia
verbal - werbalny
there - tam
synergy - Synergia
silhouette - sylwetka
serious - poważny
standing - na stojąco
seems - wydaje się
symphony - symfonia
reflections - odbicia
sympathy - współczucie
really - naprawdę
never - nigdy
moment - za chwilę
clear - jasny
brush - szczotka
alone - sam
anyway - tak czy inaczej
liking - gust
bathroom - łazienka
thinking - myślący
dance - taniec
embracing - ogarnięcie
living - życie
maybe - może
avalanche - lawina
delirious - bredzący
thought - myśl
filament - włókno
break - Przerwa
guess - odgadnąć
longer - dłużej
innocence - niewinność
texas - texas
little - mało
serving - porcja
rusted - zardzewiały
coming - przyjście
company - firma
burning - palenie
lucky - szczęściarz
matter - materia
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