People see right through me
Treat me like I'm air
Talking shit about me as
As if I am not there
No one seems to listen
No one seems to care
All this makes me wonder
Am I really here - Am I really here
Invisible - Is there no remedy or cure
Invisible - I get repeatedly ignored
Invisible - I just can't take it anymore
Someone tell me what the hell is going on
wrong - źle
would - by
wonder - cud
through - przez
there - tam
talking - mówić
someone - ktoś
somebody - ktoś
single - Pojedynczy
invisible - niewidzialny
footprints - ślady stóp
makes - czyni
supposed - domniemany
anymore - już
really - naprawdę
dreaming - marzy
ending - kończący się
going - chodzenie
listen - słuchać
about - o
remedy - zaradzić
leave - pozostawiać
ignored - zignorowane
people - ludzie
happened - stało się
please - proszę
forever - na zawsze
repeatedly - wielokrotnie
seems - wydaje się
treat - leczyć
missed - nieodebranych
right - dobrze
scream - krzyk
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