We were born into nothing, hard up so to speak
But love and affection this family afforded me
Worries came early and often it seemed
Fate was not pleasant still I was redeemed
Then compassion soon faded to chaos
As they did their best all the while
When circumstance outweighs intention
Sometimes the mountain's just too hard to climb
They were cruel, they were ignorant
They were beauty, they were kind
They were patience, they were virtue
They were crazy, they were mine
I was young and I thought I knew everything
It's so hard to change a fool's mind
When you're stubborn by nature and quick to the draw
And you're full of inherited pride
worries - sumowanie
virtue - cnota
thought - myśl
harder - trudniej
everything - wszystko
defied - upierał się
afforded - przyznane
early - wcześnie
faded - wyblakłe
climb - wspinać się
inherited - dziedziczny
patience - cierpliwość
heavens - niebiosa
sinners - grzesznicy
might - moc
still - nadal
lessons - lekcje
ignorant - nieświadomy
change - Zmiana
intention - zamiar
beauty - piękno
crazy - zwariowany
outweighs - przewyższają
affection - tkliwość
troubles - kłopoty
pleasant - przyjemne
stubborn - uparty
chaos - chaos
nothing - nic
circumstance - okoliczność
answer - Odpowiedź
nature - natura
young - młody
often - często
praises - pochwały
family - rodzina
pride - duma
others - inni
problems - problemy
quick - szybki
redeemed - wykorzystany
saved - zapisane
sinner - grzesznik
seemed - wydawało się
compassion - współczucie
speak - mówić
senses - rozsądek
cruel - okrutny
sometimes - czasami
while - podczas gdy
those - te
their - ich
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