When I reminisce about all those years, I see many things.

Life and death. Strung together like the mountains and valleys in which we lived.

There was wealth and opulence,

but also tribulation and loss.

There was laughter and song,

and there was also tears.

But even more than tears, blood was shed.

And so many were left to their unadorned graves,


through - przez
those - te
there - tam
their - ich
swords - miecze
strung - naciągnięty
strode - Strode
sound - dźwięk
songs - piosenki
silent - cichy
reminisce - opowiadać wspomnienia
remember - zapamiętaj
years - lat
tribulation - męka
blood - krew
close - blisko
because - bo
another - inne
laughter - śmiech
which - który
after - po
graves - groby
tears - łzy
darkness - ciemność
together - razem
about - o
opulence - bogactwo
battle - bitwa
journey - podróż
death - śmierć
valleys - doliny
cries - płacze
lived - Mieszkał
drown - utopić
immortality - nieśmiertelność
things - rzeczy
light - lekki
wealth - bogactwo
unburied - nie zakopany
meaning - znaczenie
clashing - zderzenie
mostly - przeważnie
mountains - Góry

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