The sky fell over cheap Korean monster-movie scenery
And spilled into the reservoir of the crushed capsule hotel
Between the Disney abattoir and the chemical refinery
And I knew I was in trouble but I thought I was in hell
So you look around the tiny room and you wonder where the hell you are
While the K.K.K. convention are all stranded in the bar
They wear hoods and carry shotguns in the main streets of Montgomery
But they're helpless here as babies 'cause they're only here on holiday
What do we care if the world is a joke
(Tokyo Storm Warning)
We'll give it a big kiss
We'll give it a poke
(Tokyo Storm Warning)
Death wears a big hat 'cause he's a big bloke
(Tokyo Storm Warning)
We're only living this instant
The black sand stuck beneath her feet in a warm Sorrento sunrise
A barefoot girl from Naples or was it a Barcelona hi-rise
Whistles out the tuneless theme song on a hundred cheap suggestions
And a million false seductions and all those eternal questions
What do we care if the world is a joke
(Tokyo Storm Warning)
We'll give it a big kiss
We'll give it a poke
(Tokyo Storm Warning)
Death wears a big hat 'cause he's a big bloke
(Tokyo Storm Warning)
We're only living this instant
So they flew the Super-Constellation all the way from Rimini
And feasted them on fish and chips from a newspaper facsimile
worlds - światów
world - świat
whistles - gwizdki
while - podczas gdy
waitress - kelnerka
trading - handlowy
tired - zmęczony
where - gdzie
thought - myśl
those - te
teresa - Teresa
teenage - nastolatek
tango - tango
super - wspaniały
sunrise - wschód słońca
suggestions - propozycje
streets - ulice
wonder - cud
stranded - na mieliźnie
stanley - Stanley
warning - ostrzeżenie
spilled - rozlane
trouble - Kłopot
shotguns - strzelby
holiday - wakacje
hated - znienawidzony
robots - roboty
facsimile - podobizna
bloke - facet
death - śmierć
hardly - ledwie
dampen - إخماد
jesus - Jezus
crushed - zgnieciony
cried - - zawołał
costa - costa
disney - disney
between - pomiędzy
gates - bramy
please - proszę
constellation - konstelacja
saying - powiedzenie
wears - nosi
sweetest - najsłodszy
sodden - zakalcowaty
chips - frytki
litter - śmieci
palace - pałac
fountains - fontanny
margarita - margarita
around - na około
teeth - zęby
barefoot - boso
collide - zderzać się
shooting - strzelanie
beneath - pod
always - zawsze
dream - śnić
stuck - utknął
stamps - znaczki
chemical - chemiczny
tuneless - niemelodyjny
abattoir - rzeźnia
bullies - przekleństwa
protest - protest
barcelona - Barcelona
aires - Aires
fortunes - fortuny
reservoir - zbiornik
second - druga
convention - konwencja
pensioners - emeryci
black - czarny
seductions - uwiedzenie
puerto - puerto
apart - niezależnie
false - fałszywy
argentina - Argentyna
babies - dzieci
bodies - ciała
mercy - łaska
curses - pomstowanie
cheap - tani
rimini - Rimini
might - moc
holidays - wakacje
hoods - kaptury
hotel - hotel
hundred - sto
instant - natychmiastowy
italian - [object Object]
telling - wymowny
broadway - broadway
mention - wzmianka
braved - odważny
capsule - kapsuła
japanese - język japoński
storm - burza
living - życie
juanita - Juanita
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