I just had the most terrible dream.
I was walking on a street in a huge city,
but all of the shops and all of the cars were empty.
It was so quiet, and I knew that something was very wrong.
And then I realised... you weren't there.
I called for you, but no one answered.
I looked for you everywhere, Evelyn.
Hush, it was only a dream.
Don't be scared.
Remember, everything is going to be better soon, Evelyn.
The year is 2004.
The Da Vinci code is the New York Times's number one bestseller,
and the bombing at the Australian embassy in Jakarta leaves eleven dead.
And on an open stretch of road,
two sisters are waiting for a ride.
On the eve of their 19th birthday,
the twins have covertly left their circus trailer,
packing their few worldly possessions;
a change of clothes,
their painted ukulele,
and a battered photograph of Bimba and Kimba.
they walk nine miles under cover of night.
After what seems like an endless wait,
an 18-wheeled truck pulls over
and the driver, a retired professional wrestler named Tony,
offers the girls a ride
("Hey, little ladies. Why don't you slide on up in here, next to Tony.")
Unskilled at smalltalk,
the twins sit wide-eyed and silent in the front seat.
wrong - źle
worldly - doczesny
women - kobiety
while - podczas gdy
wheeled - na kołach
washington - Waszyngton
walking - pieszy
upload - przekazać plik
wrestler - zapaśnik
unskilled - niewykwalifikowany
unique - wyjątkowy
under - pod
ukulele - ukulele
twins - bliźnięta
through - przez
waiting - czekanie
thousands - tysiące
think - myśleć
these - te
there - tam
terrible - straszny
technique - technika
stuffing - nadziewanie
station - Stacja
songs - piosenki
something - coś
small - mały
street - ulica
singing - śpiewanie
shops - sklepy
searching - badawczy
stamps - znaczki
search - szukanie
right - dobrze
remember - zapamiętaj
stumble - potknąć się
redouble - rekontra
realised - realizowany
themselves - sami
quiet - cichy
quicken - ożywiać
pulls - ciągnie
walla - walla
professional - Profesjonalny
print - wydrukować
tenants - lokatorzy
practising - praktykujący
potential - Potencjał
perfect - idealny
sweepstakes - loteria
pentium - pentium
packing - uszczelka
online - online
other - inny
evelyn - Evelyn
dream - śnić
empty - pusty
driver - kierowca
before - przed
truck - ciężarówka
endless - nieskończony
change - Zmiana
night - noc
profiles - profile
envelopes - koperty
profile - profil
excited - podekscytowany
initially - początkowo
courage - odwaga
employ - zatrudniać
retired - na emeryturze
circus - cyrk
battered - poobijany
social - społeczny
music - muzyka
nearby - blisko
condition - Stan
looks - wygląda
photograph - fotografia
amazed - zdziwiony
behalf - w imieniu
scared - przerażony
application - podanie
after - po
embassy - ambasada
befriending - zaprzyjaźnienie się
australian - australijski
approach - Podejście
becomes - staje się
bestseller - bestseller
possessions - dobytek
gonna - gonna
clothes - ubranie
behind - za
slide - ślizgać się
mister - pan
better - lepszy
efforts - starania
motel - motel
applications - Aplikacje
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