And in the night, it was a drunken stutter

Started as a next to nothing conversation

And then he's tearing me out

Taking me apart at my friend's house

I was uncomfortable, I was hurt

Still with blue innocence in his eyes

I felt my reasoning was harsh

With every stab wound and exhale, I promised myself

That I would never lose my youthful fears of grown up men

I'm scarred with cruel intentions

I thought of another the whole time

Who would have never stared me like that

See, he saw me as a human

This one thinks I'm a slaughterhouse

He pretends that he's understanding

And you know in the grand scheme of everything

He's probably called a nice man

Or an ordinary kind of man

Or a stereotype with strong hands, I'm so sad

youthful - młodzieńczy
would - by
whole - cały
understanding - zrozumienie
thought - myśl
thighs - Uda
these - te
there - tam
stutter - jąkanie
strong - silny
still - nadal
stereotype - Stereotyp
statues - posągi
started - rozpoczęty
stared - gapił się
slower - wolniej
within - w ciągu
slaughterhouse - rzeźnia
wound - rana
second - druga
taking - nabierający
scheme - schemat
scarred - pokryty bliznami
forgive - przebaczyć
grand - Wielki
hurts - boli
probably - prawdopodobnie
could - mógłby
quick - szybki
another - inne
reasoning - rozumowanie
desire - pragnienie
cruel - okrutny
barren - jałowy
house - dom
outrun - wyprzedzać
tearing - rozdzierający
apart - niezależnie
dread - strach
between - pomiędzy
thinks - myśli
intentions - Intencje
grass - trawa
drunken - pijany
arrived - przybył
never - nigdy
called - nazywa
realized - realizowany
fears - Obawy
grown - dorosły
begin - zaczynać
hands - ręce
harsh - szorstki
human - człowiek
before - przed
pretends - udaje
little - mało
check - czek
innocence - niewinność
uncomfortable - niewygodny
exhale - wydychać
night - noc
every - dejte pozor
everything - wszystko
myself - siebie
nothing - nic
quieter - ciszej
ordinary - zwykły
promised - obiecał
conversation - rozmowa
repeated - powtarzający się
romance - romans

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