Now I'm sure you've heard the sorry tale, of the day when Johnny fell, bet here's a side of the story, boys, you might not know so well
When the hullabaloo was over, that night at the Castle Bar myself and the Five Cork Women had to bury Johnny Tarr! so we rolled him out the door to the morgue at Bishopstown, we asked if they'd cremeate him, but the coroner wore a frown.
He sadly shook his head and said, "Your plan won't work so well, there's so much booze inside his veins he'll blow this place to hell!"
So if it starts raining and the thunder rumbles loud, Johnny's fallen up in heaven and landed on a cloud.
His tears are failing as he laughs for he knows that when you die, In the big! Pub! Way up in the sky! You'll never ever, ever, ever, ever drink 'em dry!
We finally got him out the door and we propped him ag'in the wall, but we couldn't find a big enough hearse to carry him at all.
white - biały
veins - żyły
treat - leczyć
thunder - grzmot
story - fabuła
starts - zaczyna się
sorry - przepraszam
slowly - powoli
sheet - arkusz
sorrows - smutki
sadly - niestety
rumbles - dudnienie
rolled - walcowane
raining - pada
there - tam
propped - podparte
please - proszę
stand - stoisko
pigeon - gołąb
street - ulica
frozen - mrożony
women - kobiety
johnny - johnny
lived - Mieszkał
enough - dość
forevermore - na zawsze
fallen - upadły
where - gdzie
landed - wylądował
carry - nieść
might - moc
saint - święty
hearse - karawan
corpse - zwłoki
shout - krzyczeć
lager - lager
booze - gorzałka
burial - pogrzeb
heaven - niebo
night - noc
asked - spytał
chorus - chór
shook - wstrząsnął
castle - Zamek
tears - łzy
failing - w braku
found - uznany
harbor - Port
solid - solidny
myself - siebie
place - miejsce
concrete - beton
cloud - chmura
finally - wreszcie
roundabout - rondo
coroner - koroner
glass - szkło
heard - słyszał
inside - wewnątrz
covered - pokryty
middle - środkowy
hullabaloo - rejwach
knows - wie
frown - marszczyć brwi
laughs - śmiech
irish - irlandczyk
lotus - lotos
drown - utopić
morgue - kostnica
sunrise - wschód słońca
named - o imieniu
drink - drink
outside - na zewnątrz
never - nigdy
baldy - łysy
passersby - przechodnie
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