Found that man reported missing,
He wandered in his home.
It don't seem too bad if you consider
Just what he's been through.
Seems he met up with a gang of thieves,
Who mistook him for a man of means,
They locked him up then found he had no money,
So they let him go again.
Now he's back at home and happy
Just to see the kids.
I wish that I could really tell you
All the things that happened to me
world - świat
wandered - wędrował
through - przez
thousands - tysiące
thieves - złodzieje
story - fabuła
seems - wydaje się
really - naprawdę
night - noc
money - pieniądze
locked - zablokowany
people - ludzie
could - mógłby
dreams - marzenia
consider - rozważać
meaning - znaczenie
means - znaczy
about - o
reported - zgłaszane
again - jeszcze raz
future - przyszłość
cities - miasta
happened - stało się
bright - jasny
their - ich
mistook - mistook
missing - brakujący
strange - dziwne
happy - szczęśliwy
instead - zamiast
found - uznany
hearts - kiery
things - rzeczy
creatures - stworzeń
happier - szczęśliwiej
light - lekki
lives - zyje
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