I shoulda listened to that little voice inside my head

When I saw her in the study typing on her Mac.

The place was packed, but I still felt like we were all alone,

Then I started to lose my nerve...why am I taking so long?

I had a million questions running up inside my head:

Is she lonely? Is she tired? Does she got a man? What does she wear in bed?

But I just stood there frozen and she got away.


It coulda been me and you together walking in the rain.

We coulda been making out and making plans to run away.

But here I am all alone outside and I really wish I told her everything that I was feeling inside.

I had an angel by my side.

Why didn't I? Didn't I?

I had angel by my side.


I started to ask around if anyone might know her name.

A friend of hers told me that she thought she was single again.

That's all the info that I needed to keep hope alive.

I searched the dorm and the caf and the laundromat and the park and ride.

wanna - chcę
walking - pieszy
walked - chodził
voice - głos
typing - pisanie na maszynie
turned - obrócony
together - razem
tired - zmęczony
thought - myśl
there - tam
taking - nabierający
little - mało
could - mógłby
study - badanie
laundromat - automat pralniczy
inside - wewnątrz
guess - odgadnąć
friend - przyjaciel
everything - wszystko
courage - odwaga
listened - słuchał
started - rozpoczęty
wondering - pełen zdumienia
coulda - może
around - na około
lonely - samotny
plans - plany
angel - anioł
again - jeszcze raz
verse - werset
might - moc
nerve - nerw
still - nadal
alive - żywy
frozen - mrożony
bridge - most
stairs - schody
outside - na zewnątrz
feeling - uczucie
making - zrobienie
fateful - fatalny
million - milion
needed - potrzebne
where - gdzie
noticed - zauważył
noticing - zauważając
other - inny
packed - zatłoczony
another - inne
place - miejsce
anyone - ktokolwiek
single - Pojedynczy
stood - stanął
questions - pytania
chorus - chór
alone - sam
searched - przeszukany
really - naprawdę
running - bieganie
shoulda - shoulda

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