I've been walking these streets

In the finest of rain

I'm soaked to the bone

Under your window pane

I've counted the moths

That are drawn to your bedroom light

I've wept with an owl as its beauty took flight

I think I may have figured out why

Finally found the very reason

For all this confusion the only conclusion is love

world - świat
under - pod
streets - ulice
surrendered - poddał się
figured - wzorzysty
confusion - zamieszanie
barely - ledwo
window - okno
counted - нажмите на слово или выделите фразу чтобы увидеть перевод
whole - cały
moths - ćmy
reason - powód
these - te
bedroom - sypialnia
finally - wreszcie
think - myśleć
light - lekki
finest - najlepsza
flight - lot
drawn - pociągnięty
found - uznany
soaked - moczone
though - chociaż
maths - matematyka
walking - pieszy
deserve - zasłużyć
nerve - nerw
crown - korona
resisted - opór
conclusion - wniosek
beauty - piękno
secrets - tajniki

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