I cant believe I love the things they say about me

Walk in the room they throwing shade left to right

They be like ooh, she's so fun face

And I just tell em, cut me up, and get down

They call us dirty 'cuz we break all your rules down

And we just came to act a fool, is that all right (Girl, that's alright)

They be like Ooh, let them eat cake

But we eat wings and throw them bones on the ground

Am I a freak for dancing around? (queen)

Am I a freak for getting down? (queen)

I'm coming up, don't cut me down

Yeah I wanna be, wanna be

Is it peculiar that she twerk in the mirror?

And am I weird to dance alone late at night?

And is it true we're all insane?

And I just tell 'em No we ain't" and get down

I heard this life is just a play with no rehearsal

I wonder will this be my final act tonight

And tell me what's the price of fame?

Am I a sinner with my skirt on the ground?

Am I a freak for dancing around?

Am I a freak for getting down?

I'm coming up, don't cut me down

Yeah I wanna be

Hey brother can you save my soul from the devil?

Say is it weird to like the way she wear her tights?

And is it rude to wear my shades?

Am I a freak because I love watching Mary? (Maybe)

Hey sister am I good enough for your heaven?

Say will your God accept me in my black and white?

Will he approve the way I'm made?

working - pracujący
wonder - cud
young - młody
wings - skrzydełka
white - biały
wanna - chcę
unknown - nieznany
underground - pod ziemią
uncomfortable - niewygodny
twerk - twerk
trying - próbować
throw - rzucać
things - rzeczy
testify - świadczyć
writes - pisze
strong - silny
streets - ulice
tight - mocno
still - nadal
watching - oglądanie
stealing - kradzież
getting - coraz
freedom - wolność
freak - wybryk
rehearsal - powtórka
final - finał
tonight - dzisiejszej nocy
booty - łup
black - czarny
every - dejte pozor
because - bo
coming - przyjście
gimme - dawaj
throwing - rzucanie
equal - równy
asked - spytał
crazy - zwariowany
melody - melodia
dirty - brudny
going - chodzenie
enough - dość
devil - diabeł
gotta - musieć
electric - elektryczny
heavy - ciężki
harriet - Harriet
marvin - Marvin
about - o
dancing - taniec
break - Przerwa
approve - zatwierdzać
while - podczas gdy
crown - korona
accept - zaakceptować
gonna - gonna
around - na około
dance - taniec
sinner - grzesznik
ground - ziemia
should - powinien
alone - sam
asking - pytając
comes - pochodzi
tights - rajstopy
sleep - sen
skirt - spódnica
generation - generacja
alright - w porządku
shade - cień
tired - zmęczony
believe - uwierzyć
bones - kości
masterminds - masterminds
another - inne
needy - potrzebujący
groove - rowek
others - inni
bernie - Bernie
rights - praw
weird - dziwne
sheep - owca
fight - walka
brother - brat
thing - rzecz
equations - Równania
preach - kazanie
categorize - kategoryzować
illegal - nielegalny
maybe - może
insane - szalony
mirror - lustro
drums - bębny
joints - stawów
willing - skłonny
label - etykieta
tuxedo - smoking
singing - śpiewanie
writing - pisanie
ladies - damski
leading - prowadzący

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