There's a place in heaven prepared for me

When the toils of this life is over

Where the saints are clothed in white

Before the throne singing praises forever, forever more

In my Father's house there are mansions bright

If He said, then I know, I know it's true, yeah

white - biały
where - gdzie
jesus - Jezus
house - dom
place - miejsce
mansions - rezydencje
sorrow - smutek
there - tam
forever - na zawsze
before - przed
beyond - poza
clothed - ubrany
singing - śpiewanie
brothers - braci
praises - pochwały
bright - jasny
prepared - przygotowany
sisters - siostry
promised - obiecał
saints - święci
sickness - choroba
throne - tron
heaven - niebo
toils - matnia

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