Hey friend wake up. Can't you tell that you're sleepin
How far can you go with unopened eyes
treating your mind like it was something to play with
you're sleeping on a feather bed of lies.
So what's the difference if you don't wake up.
You won't know yourself when you finally do.
yourself - siebie
sunday - niedziela
something - coś
sleeping - spanie
skies - niebo
shared - wspólne
treating - leczenie
sleepin - spać w
difference - Różnica
childhood - dzieciństwo
feather - pióro
beauty - piękno
journey - podróż
words - Słowa
unopened - nieotwarty
uniforms - mundury
flowers - kwiaty
friend - przyjaciel
wonder - cud
looking - patrząc
finally - wreszcie
mirror - lustro
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