[Verse 1]
There’s a place I like to go
where the fast songs meet the slow.
And people come from miles around
just to hear an old guitar sound
Call your friends and I’ll call mine.
We’ll have ourselves a country time.
Get there early and have a few drinks,
loosen up step out on the dance floor
verse - werset
think - myśleć
stepping - krok
sound - dźwięk
songs - piosenki
right - dobrze
rhythm - rytm
start - początek
repeat - powtarzać
pretty - ładny
chorus - chór
there - tam
announce - ogłosić
where - gdzie
loosen - poluzować
miles - kilometry
cotton - bawełna
floor - piętro
dance - taniec
begin - zaczynać
anymore - już
drinks - napoje
around - na około
night - noc
place - miejsce
early - wcześnie
country - kraj
lights - Światła
friends - przyjaciele
guitar - gitara
might - moc
dancing - taniec
ourselves - my sami
people - ludzie
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