I've never seen you clear before

I've never heard you cry

My blinded heart has washed ashore

My innocence's gone dry

And I wish I had more patience

There are things I can't reverse

I don't know why you were so threatened

By the entire universe

You were on fire

Tainted in the sun

You ran against the raging wind

Decadent and drunken with desire

Fooling the love of everyone

Your reverence in flames

universe - wszechświat
things - rzeczy
there - tam
tainted - skażony
sorrow - smutek
saved - zapisane
reverse - rewers
raging - wściekły
plead - błagać
patience - cierpliwość
never - nigdy
lover - kochanek
clear - jasny
entire - cały
bleed - krwawić
against - przeciwko
washed - umyty
misbehaved - źle zachowany
drunken - pijany
golden - złoty
avenge - pomścić
broken - złamany
before - przed
ashore - na brzeg
threatened - zagrożony
blinded - oślepiony
awake - obudzić
decadent - dekadencki
crowd - tłum
blameless - nienaganny
flames - Płomienie
desire - pragnienie
reverence - cześć
other - inny
everyone - każdy
fooling - oszustwo
heard - słyszał
fearless - nieustraszony
heart - serce

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