Gotta love this field and the cherry sky
Under blossom clouds though it's late July
You don't even try still you look so cool
Like a cover boy when you like the moon
Near the countryside but I just forgot
All the things that matter I forget a lot
I get so caught up in the city cloud
But this place is still my first love
Is there anybody out there waiting for me on my way?
If that somebody is you, then baby, I just wanna say
waiting - czekanie
tonight - dzisiejszej nocy
though - chociaż
things - rzeczy
there - tam
still - nadal
forgot - zapomniałem
cover - pokrywa
caught - złapany
clouds - chmury
field - Pole
somebody - ktoś
cherry - wiśnia
forget - zapomnieć
course - kurs
anybody - ktoś
blossom - kwitnąć
bring - przynieść
found - uznany
gotta - musieć
wanna - chcę
countryside - wieś
fight - walka
tight - mocno
first - pierwszy
night - noc
cloud - chmura
place - miejsce
guess - odgadnąć
nothing - nic
under - pod
matter - materia
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