Talk over the radio, that way everyone can hear.

Louder than the stereo, don't worry your head my dear.

I think it's hilarious, the way you talk about yourself

But don't tell that story again.

You're good for one thing, I can't help but calling you out

But you're so lovely, I can't behave myself

yourself - siebie
louder - głośniejsza
anybody - ktoś
insecure - niepewny
story - fabuła
health - zdrowie
about - o
calling - powołanie
hilarious - wesoły
again - jeszcze raz
behave - zachować się
mouth - usta
lovely - śliczny
thing - rzecz
everyone - każdy
myself - siebie
radio - Radio
mirror - lustro
serious - poważny
stereo - neurovědy
think - myśleć
talking - mówić
worry - martwić się

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