I called about that conversation that I had with you last night

It must have been a combination of shooters and neon lights

And I didn't really mean to say

I've been losing it since you left

Yeah I may have said the words, but they came from somewhere else

It was just the tequila talkin'

When I told you I'm still not over you

I get a little sentimental when I've had one or two

And that tear in my eye was the salt and the lime

Not the memory of you walkin'

wearing - ma na sobie
those - te
there - tam
still - nadal
little - mało
responsible - odpowiedzialny
cuervo - Cuervo
usually - zazwyczaj
things - rzeczy
conversation - rozmowa
tequila - tequila
combination - Połączenie
right - dobrze
about - o
night - noc
words - Słowa
lights - Światła
anything - byle co
dress - sukienka
called - nazywa
shooters - strzelanki
losing - przegrywający
since - od
memory - pamięć
really - naprawdę
somewhere - gdzieś
scene - scena
seeing - widzenie
drove - stado
sentimental - sentymentalny

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