So So Def (yeah)

Finally found somebody that could be the one

But I promised myself that I wouldn't give into love

And I'm scared and I'm nervous

Don't wanna be hurt anymore

This is bad cuz I know that you're the one

I'm going through a situation that I can't help

Wanna get a little closer but I promised myself

That I would never give my heart away again

See, I know it's had but you gotta understand it

The truth is all the hurt and the pain and the @#%$

That you get when you have it ain't worth it

I've been there so many times I should know better but I

Can't stop what I feel when you're next to me I really think I

Finally found somebody that could be the one

But I promised myself that I wouldn't give into love

And I'm scared and I'm nervous

Don't wanna be hurt anymore

This is bad cuz I know that you're the one

Now how you gonna tell me that I'm not the one

Baby, I need to be for sure before I give you my love

would - by
worth - wartość
until - aż do
understand - zrozumieć
trust - zaufanie
treated - leczony
three - trzy
think - myśleć
things - rzeczy
superficial - powierzchowny
street - ulica
truth - Prawda
special - specjalny
someone - ktoś
somebody - ktoś
wrong - źle
smell - zapach
situation - sytuacja
should - powinien
drive - Napęd
crazy - zwariowany
problem - Problem
confused - zmieszany
cheated - oszukany
could - mógłby
always - zawsze
about - o
anything - byle co
chance - szansa
actually - tak właściwie
cried - - zawołał
before - przed
times - czasy
promised - obiecał
different - różne
finally - wreszcie
stumbled - potknął się
relate - odnosić się
closer - bliższy
friend - przyjaciel
maybe - może
again - jeszcze raz
beginning - początek
might - moc
there - tam
question - pytanie
anymore - już
through - przez
little - mało
nights - noce
better - lepszy
scared - przerażony
really - naprawdę
everyone - każdy
found - uznany
gotta - musieć
everything - wszystko
myself - siebie
betrayed - zdradzony
going - chodzenie
gonna - gonna
general - generał
heart - serce
lonely - samotny
nervous - nerwowy
wanna - chcę
played - grał
never - nigdy
relationships - relacje
feeling - uczucie
right - dobrze

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