This is... (Mr. Sandman bring me a good dream)

Serious, the craziest

... d-da, (Mr. Sandman bring me a good dream) day-da

Danger, dangerous... style

[Verse One: RZA]

Lyrical shots from the glock

bust bullet holes on the chops, I want the number one spot

With the science, of a giant

New York defiant, brutal like domestic violence

Silence of the Lambs, o-ccured when I slammed in

Foes grab their chairs, to be mad as Ralph Cramden

Others come with shit, as silly as Art Carney

But my Tetley triplizes, more kids than Barney

Never need for stress there's three bags of sess

a damn I rest, playing chess, yes

My thoughts be sneaky like a crook from Brooklyn

When you ain't lookin, I take the queen, with the rook then

I get vexed, layin phat trax on Ampex

Morphous God, gettin drunk, off a Triple X

Violent time, I got more love than valentines

The violent mind, I blast with a silent nine

[Verse Two: Inspector Deck]

My hazardous thoughts to cut the mic's life support short

Brains get stained like tablecloths when I let off

Powerful, poetry pushed past the point of no return

Leavin mics with third-degree burns

Let me at 'em, I cramp your style like a spasm

Track em through the mud then I bag em

We're screaming hardcore, hip-hop drips out my balls

and I be raw, for four score plus seven more

I strike like a bowling ball, holding y'all hostage

youse - youse
where - gdzie
violence - przemoc
vexed - zdenerwowany
verse - werset
tried - wypróbowany
three - trzy
thoughts - myśli
third - trzeci
tablecloths - obrusy
table - stół
swords - miecze
would - by
swift - szybki
support - wsparcie
style - styl
stress - naprężenie
street - ulica
watch - zegarek
storm - burza
strike - strajk
stained - poplamione
spasm - skurcz
socket - gniazdo elektryczne
sneaky - podstępny
smith - kowal
smash - rozbić
sleep - sen
slammed - trzasnął
silent - cichy
silence - cisza
shots - strzały
shadow - cień
seeker - arayıcı
screaming - krzycząc
score - wynik
science - nauka
scheme - schemat
sandman - sandman
ripped - podarte
return - powrót
represent - przedstawiać
racist - rasistowski
queen - Królowa
pounds - funtów
point - punkt
poetry - poezja
playing - gra
drunk - pijany
bullet - Kula
crushed - zgnieciony
there - tam
runnin - Runnin
heart - serce
degree - Stopień
domestic - krajowy
dodged - uniknąłem
defiant - wyzywający
crook - oszust
touchin - touchin
these - te
pullin - wciągać
enemy - wróg
sleeps - śpi
giant - ogromny
criminal - kryminalista
bitches - suki
summer - lato
listen - słuchać
dangerous - niebezpieczny
gettin - Gettin
flowin - flowin
valentines - walentynki
caution - uwaga
track - tor
cause - przyczyna
barney - Barney
catchin - złapać w
blast - podmuch
again - jeszcze raz
method - metoda
cramp - skurcz
collarbone - obojczyk
other - inny
brains - mózg
desert - pustynia
thirteen - trzynaście
inspector - inspektor
balls - kulki
silly - głupi
lookin - patrząc
billboard - billboard
drips - kapie
others - inni
homicidal - morderczy
seven - siedem
number - numer
peace - pokój
violent - gwałtowny
chairs - krzesła

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