When I first stepped on the scene, niggaz was petrified

Jet back to the lab like they were being chased by homicide

My rap flow does you like Tical, and it will never steer you wrong

And all you bitch-ass niggaz in the industry

your careers won't be lasting long

Check it, I'm the fuckin man, who they mention

Notice, that other niggaz rap styles is bogus

Doo-doo, prepare for this verse Tical voodoo

Blazin, the stuff that ignites stimulation

Inside ya, cuz I be that house over water

forgot in the realm that be deep as the Poseidon

adventure, niggaz need to touch they freakin picture

For the sickness, that be spreadin with the quickness

Remedies, cousin I be doin on my enemies

Penalty, then I drink forties to they memories

Emotion, rushin through your down street vicinity

Blunt smoke, in the air reveals my identity

When I first stepped on the scene, niggaz was petrified

Jet back to the lab like they were being chased by homicide

My rap flow does you like Tical, and it will never steer you wrong

And all you bitch-ass niggaz in the industry

your careers won't be lasting long

My God, somebody said it's on, if it isn't I'll be set

To blow a nigga up, with my Five Fingers of Death

whole - cały
where - gdzie
voodoo - wiara w czary
lookin - patrząc
check - czek
bring - przynieść
through - przez
industry - przemysł
ignites - zapala się
stops - przystanki
mother - mama
touch - dotknąć
hassle - kłopot
remedies - środki zaradcze
spark - iskra
juice - Sok
fuckin - kurwa
rushin - spieszyć się
smoke - palić
freakin - dziwaczny
petrified - skamieniały
forties - czterdzieści
water - woda
glock - glock
headpiece - hełm
forgot - zapomniałem
house - dom
bogus - podrobiony
peoples - ludy
blunt - tępy
first - pierwszy
drink - drink
chased - ścigany
bitch - suka
comin - comin
hands - ręce
identity - tożsamość
beware - strzec się
dough - Ciasto
blazin - blazin
enemies - wrogowie
gettin - Gettin
being - istota
black - czarny
other - inny
lasting - trwały
cousin - kuzyn
castle - Zamek
stimulation - stymulacja
adventure - przygoda
quickness - szybkość
shots - strzały
better - lepszy
death - śmierć
serial - seryjny
memories - wspomnienia
stands - stoi
careers - kariery zawodowej
brother - brat
verse - werset
cause - przyczyna
mention - wzmianka
styles - style
mystic - mistyk
stuff - rzeczy
wicked - niegodziwy
nigga - nigga
about - o
steer - sterować
sound - dźwięk
notice - Ogłoszenie
overthrow - obalenie
picture - obrazek
scene - scena
poseidon - posejdon
fingers - palce
prepare - przygotować
penalty - rzut karny
ready - gotowy
frontin -
realm - królestwo
rental - wynajem
reveals - ujawnia
sickness - choroba
inside - wewnątrz
snapple - migotanie
start - początek
wrong - źle
stepped - krok po kroku
pistol - pistolet
street - ulica
style - styl
thick - gruby
think - myśleć
throw - rzucać
never - nigdy
understand - zrozumieć
unless - chyba że
homicide - zabójstwo
emotion - emocja

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