[La La:] Where have you been?

[Cedric:] Damn, dam girl. Why didn't you tell me the elevator was broke?

[La La:] What took you so long?

[Cedric:] Had to climb 3, 4 flights of steps. What's up?

[La La:] All I asked you to do was to get the Nellyville CD

[Cedric:] Yeah, yeah, I got it, I got it, I got it

[La La:] How hard was that?

[Cedric:] Why you actin' mad? I'm the one runnin' around lookin' for the album...

[La La:] Because I've been in this apartment for a long time waitin' on your

Ass. I don't watch Jenny Jones, Montel, Judge Judy...

[Cedric:] What you mean it took so long? I've only been gone for...shit what? 1, 2, 3 hours, I wasn't even gone for that long

[La La:] What you had to go to St. Louis to get the muthafuckin' CD?

[Cedric:] Okay, okay look baby, I got it, just calm down

[La La:] What was so hard about that?

worry - martwić się
words - Słowa
gonna - gonna
clean - czysty
flights - loty
climb - wspinać się
elevator - winda
hours - godziny
gucci - do que a vida
montel - Montel
whatever - cokolwiek
anyways - w każdym razie
ready - gotowy
cedric - cedric
truth - Prawda
cause - przyczyna
apartment - apartament
jenny - przędzarka
around - na około
album - album
small - mały
drink - drink
stairs - schody
everybody - wszyscy
about - o
rated - oceniane
asked - spytał
chill - chłód
broke - zepsuł się
bubble - bańka
because - bo
leave - pozostawiać
version - wersja
champaign - szampan
sniffles - sniffles
louis - louis
nelly - nelly
wrong - źle
ahead - przed siebie
jones - jones
nsync - Nsync
shoes - buty
think - myśleć
watch - zegarek
plenty - dużo
judge - sędzia
remains - szczątki
steps - kroki
where - gdzie

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