I'm dedicated, the definition of dedication
Wrote this whole record while I was levitating
Sittin' in my room with the pen and paper, I'm innovative
They've been afraid of me since I was a second grader
I'm the kid on the playground momma told you to never play with
There's levels of music - and I'm in the elevator
Going up to the top floor, look how we elevated
What, you don't know the brand by now? You better get educated
Take both of my arms, rip 'em out of sockets and seperate 'em
Forgive me, yeah, I know I get animated
Don't matter, I still write a better record than yours without a hesitation
Never been more motivated
Just look at all the minds I've opened and penetrated
See, I am the voice of all these kids that think things but never say 'em
That's why they come to my shows wearing the NF hoodies and hats low like we're carrying weapons
Put the controllers away, it's game over
I promise I'm way colder
The fans keep saying that they're hungry for new music, well that's pretty convenient because I just made a plate for 'em
And now I'm hearing none of y'all are saying
I just sit at the keys feeling the music
Got me thinking I'm Beethoven
The game needs a makeover
If you've been waiting, the wait's over
You ain't notice, y'all about to witness a takeover, I'm home!
Yeah, they waiting on me to match that
The emotion I had in the last one
yours - twój
wrote - napisał
writing - pisanie
witness - dowód
whole - cały
while - podczas gdy
weapons - bronie
waiting - czekanie
voice - głos
through - przez
three - trzy
thinking - myślący
things - rzeczy
these - te
there - tam
takeover - przejąć
supposed - domniemany
stupid - głupi
surrounding - otaczający
started - rozpoczęty
spend - wydać
still - nadal
somehow - jakoś
sockets - gniazda
since - od
shows - przedstawia
seperate - oddzielny
saying - powiedzenie
savage - brutalny
ruins - gruzy
reason - powód
rapping - rap
proud - dumny
promise - obietnica
pretty - ładny
shaking - drżący
playing - gra
playground - plac zabaw
thousand - tysiąc
plate - Płyta
picture - obrazek
penetrated - penetrowany
paper - papier
wearing - ma na sobie
because - bo
elevated - podniesiony
feeling - uczucie
doubted - wątpił
shatter - roztrzaskać
emotion - emocja
ignoring - ignorując
realized - realizowany
elevator - winda
trying - próbować
biggest - największy
dedicated - dedykowane
impress - imponować
motivated - zmotywowany
repeating - powtórzenie
passion - pasja
enough - dość
darker - ciemniejszy
think - myśleć
critics - krytycy
could - mógłby
looks - wygląda
conversation - rozmowa
beethoven - beethoven
brand - Marka
definition - definicja
alone - sam
always - zawsze
really - naprawdę
disappointing - niezadowalający
around - na około
couple - para
gonna - gonna
speakers - głośniki
afraid - przestraszony
hoodies - bluzy
about - o
baggage - bagaż
halloween - halloween
carrying - niosąc
maybe - może
admit - przyznać
controllers - kontrolerów
enjoy - cieszyć się
colleges - uczelnie wyższe
convenient - wygodna
better - lepszy
nothing - nic
beginning - początek
animated - ożywiony
dedication - poświęcenie
crying - płacz
records - dokumentacja
record - rekord
every - dejte pozor
cared - troska
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