Life doesn't work out as planned
Visions of happiness are burning
Dreams that turn into madness
I feel the end is closing in
I can feel my soul leaving me
To dwell in nothing and forever disappear
trying - próbować
feeling - uczucie
disappear - znikać
leaving - odejście
visions - wizje
closing - zamknięcie
drops - krople
happiness - szczęście
black - czarny
madness - szaleństwo
planned - zaplanowany
breathe - oddychać
vanish - znikać
burning - palenie
sorrow - smutek
bleeding - krwawienie
slowly - powoli
fight - walka
forever - na zawsze
nothing - nic
dreams - marzenia
heart - serce
dwell - mieszkać
killing - zabicie
taste - Smak
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