If I had the chance, love
I would not hesitate
To tell you all the things I never said before
Don't tell me it's too late
Cause I've relied on my illusions
To keep me warm at night
But I denied in my capacity to love
I am willing, to give up this fight
I've been up all night drinking
To drown my sorrow down
Nothing seems to help me since you went away
would - by
willing - skłonny
where - gdzie
things - rzeczy
telling - wymowny
tired - zmęczony
sorrow - smutek
wagging - machanie
seems - wydaje się
secrets - tajniki
revealed - ujawnił
drinking - picie
denied - odmówiono
chorus - chór
never - nigdy
chance - szansa
disaster - katastrofa
cause - przyczyna
about - o
night - noc
since - od
capacity - pojemność
drown - utopić
embarrassed - zakłopotany
turned - obrócony
should - powinien
gained - zyskał
every - dejte pozor
before - przed
fight - walka
relied - zależało
their - ich
friend - przyjaciel
because - bo
hesitate - wahać się
illusions - iluzje
tongue - język
nothing - nic
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