I looked into your eyes

they told me plenty

I already knew

you never felt a thing

so soon forgotten all that you do

in more than words I

tried to tell you

the more I tried I failed

I would not let myself believe

that you might stray

and I would stand by you

world - świat
words - Słowa
until - aż do
tried - wypróbowany
thought - myśl
think - myśleć
thing - rzecz
there - tam
stillness - spokój
forgotten - zapomniany
lonely - samotny
plenty - dużo
never - nigdy
already - już
space - przestrzeń
before - przed
often - często
freedom - wolność
believe - uwierzyć
stray - zabłąkany
would - by
imagined - wyobrazić sobie
looked - spojrzał
myself - siebie
dying - umierający
stand - stoisko
failed - nie
matter - materia
empty - pusty
still - nadal
might - moc

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