Here I go again I promised myself I wouldn't think of you today

It's been seven months and counting

You've moved on

I still feel exactly the same

It's just the that everywhere I go all the buildings know your name

Like photographs and memories of love

Steel and granite reminders

The city calls your name and I can't move on

Ever since you've been gone

The lights go out the same

The only difference is

You call another name

To your love

To your lover now

To your love

The lover after me

Am I all alone in the universe?

There's no love on these streets

I have given mine away to a world that didn't want it anyway

universe - wszechświat
twenty - 20
today - dzisiaj
without - bez
think - myśleć
these - te
given - dany
memories - wspomnienia
freedom - wolność
exactly - dokładnie
everywhere - wszędzie
reminders - תזכורות
moved - przeniósł
doorway - wejście
granite - granit
chained - przykuty
world - świat
sense - sens
calls - Połączenia
counting - rachunkowość
alone - sam
after - po
funny - zabawny
difference - Różnica
calling - powołanie
another - inne
slowly - powoli
again - jeszcze raz
still - nadal
anymore - już
anyway - tak czy inaczej
nights - noce
holding - trzymać
seven - siedem
lonely - samotny
lover - kochanek
lights - Światła
minutes - minuty
months - miesiące
because - bo
myself - siebie
being - istota
nothing - nic
always - zawsze
photographs - fotografie
promised - obiecał
remember - zapamiętaj
seems - wydaje się
buildings - budynki
standing - na stojąco
since - od
steel - Stal
streets - ulice

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