It's getting late

And we're both tired

Driving the awkward drive

Paying half attention as you're pointing the way

But our thoughts were racing double the time

You told me your stories

I told you mine

But there's so much we neglected to say

Driving back home

I had to turn right around

There was something i needed to ask you:

Why can't I just spend the night?

It's cold outside and there's

No place else I can go

And it feels so right

worth - wartość
tired - zmęczony
thoughts - myśli
there - tam
stuck - utknął
stories - opowieści
steps - kroki
spend - wydać
second - druga
right - dobrze
racing - wyścigi
pumped - pompowany
pointing - wskazywanie
place - miejsce
perhaps - może
outside - na zewnątrz
drive - Napęd
taking - nabierający
attention - uwaga
paying - intratny
cloths - tkaniny
driving - napędowy
lights - Światła
anticipation - przewidywanie
around - na około
though - chociaż
opened - otwierany
neglected - zaniedbany
night - noc
better - lepszy
awkward - niezręczny
double - podwójnie
never - nigdy
smile - uśmiech
getting - coraz
feels - czuje
needed - potrzebne
heart - serce
obsession - obsesja
knocked - zapukał
occurred - wystąpił
leave - pozostawiać
might - moc
something - coś
light - lekki

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