Verse 1
I walk by the water and
Head for your house
Though I know that you'll be out
In some dirty city bar
I stand on your street
And I stare at your room
And the shadows play and move
And your brother comes out with a bat
Sayin that
You might be with your sister in Paris
On the Rue turnau
Wearing Marline Ditrik glasses
Where we made that bet
That bet I knew you'd win for sure
When you where sick on the floor
Verse 2
The denim is ripped
Beneath the patch
It's an itch I can never scratch
Now it's so far gone the past
The fines I
Having trouble to contest
With the library book you kept
wound - rana
where - gdzie
trace - ślad
though - chociaż
those - te
tallest - najwyższy
table - stół
sunnier - bardziej słoneczny
store - Sklep
stand - stoisko
slightly - nieco
sister - siostra
shadows - cienie
scratch - zadraśnięcie
dirty - brudny
dinner - obiad
fathers - ojcowie
water - woda
night - noc
eating - jedzenie
street - ulica
cities - miasta
enough - dość
happier - szczęśliwiej
beside - oprócz
chocolate - czekolada
floor - piętro
loveless - kochany
there - tam
contest - zawody
denim - kot
throw - rzucać
brought - przywiezione
brown - brązowy
never - nigdy
wearing - ma na sobie
buildings - budynki
middle - środkowy
beneath - pod
grace - wdzięk
trouble - Kłopot
comes - pochodzi
continental - kontynentalny
happend - zdarzyć się
every - dejte pozor
stare - gapić się
space - przestrzeń
accross - po drugiej stronie
fines - grzywny
freezer - zamrażarka
cream - krem
library - biblioteka
glasses - okulary
charles - charles
having - mający
tight - mocno
house - dom
chorus - chór
marriage - małżeństwo
verse - werset
brother - brat
might - moc
build - budować
mother - mama
paris - Paryż
ripped - podarte
father - ojciec
patch - Łata
probably - prawdopodobnie
sayin - sayin
closed - zamknięte
redder - redder
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