don't need your approval, I ain't lookin' for your vote
I've been strugglin' just like you, tryin' to keep myself afloat
You know your kind of trouble is just like mine
Circles of Confusion everywhere you turn
Shelter your illusion
Hold onto your dreams or watch them burn
I don't find it amusing, I ain't funny anymore
To be runnin' in this race, with my feet nailed to the floor
I got no time for jokes, no time for clowns
Still there's another one each time I turn around
Circles of Confusion everywhere you turn
watch - zegarek
trouble - Kłopot
there - tam
still - nadal
shelter - schron
shall - będzie
scattered - rozsiany
pride - duma
knocked - zapukał
jokes - żarty
right - dobrze
funny - zabawny
illusion - iluzja
floor - piętro
anymore - już
approval - Zatwierdzenie
afloat - na morzu
beaten - bity
nailed - przybity
another - inne
around - na około
alive - żywy
being - istota
myself - siebie
circles - kręgi
before - przed
fight - walka
counted - нажмите на слово или выделите фразу чтобы увидеть перевод
fighting - walczący
everywhere - wszędzie
rising - podniesienie
resistance - odporność
pockets - kieszenie
count - liczyć
distance - dystans
clowns - klaunów
denied - odmówiono
bruises - siniaki
dream - śnić
amusing - zabawny
confusion - zamieszanie
dreams - marzenia
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