I watched the film The Song Remains the Same
At the midnight movies when I was a kid
At a Canton, Ohio mall with friends
One warm summer weekend
Jimmy Page stood tall on screen
I was mesmerized by everything
The Peter Grant and John Paul Jones dream sequence scenes
The close-up of the mahogany double-neck SG
And though I loved the sound of the roaring Les Paul
What spoke to me most was 'Rain Song' and 'Bron-Yr-Aur'
And I loved the thunder of Jon Bonham's drums
But even more I like "No Quarter's" low Fender Rhodes hum
I don't know what happened or what anyone did
From my earliest memories I was a very melancholic kid
When anything close to me at all in the world died
To my heart, forever, it would be tied
Like when my friend was thrown from his moped
When some kind of a big truck back-ended him
And when the girl who sat in front of me in remedial
Was killed in an accident one weekend and quickly forgotten about at school
And when we got the call that my grandmother passed
The nervous tension I'd been feeling for months broke
And strangely I laughed
Then I went to my bedroom and I lay down
years - lat
while - podczas gdy
wherever - gdziekolwiek
weekend - weekend
wearing - ma na sobie
watched - oglądaliśmy
watch - zegarek
walked - chodził
truck - ciężarówka
travels - voyages
thunder - grzmot
throughout - poprzez
threw - rzucił
think - myśleć
things - rzeczy
tension - napięcie
tears - łzy
talent - talent
summer - lato
strangely - dziwnie
spoke - przemówił
spell - zaklęcie
speak - mówić
sound - dźwięk
since - od
signed - podpisane
shake - potrząsnąć
sequence - sekwencja
screen - ekran
schoolyard - szkolne
school - szkoła
santa - święty
roaring - ryk
rhodes - rhodes
recording - nagranie
quickly - szybko
punch - stempel
probably - prawdopodobnie
sorry - przepraszam
playground - plac zabaw
passed - minął
young - młody
older - starsze
ended - zakończył się
dream - śnić
eaten - zjedzony
discovered - odkryty
desert - pustynia
stood - stanął
cheering - doping
drowned - utonął
caught - złapany
contract - kontrakt
learned - nauczyli
moped - motorower
remedial - naprawczy
discovering - odkrywanie
bright - jasny
about - o
different - różne
everyone - każdy
would - by
jimmy - Jimmy
clock - zegar
anything - byle co
inside - wewnątrz
eternity - wieczność
accident - wypadek
drums - bębny
colors - zabarwienie
heaviness - ociężałość
never - nigdy
though - chociaż
memories - wspomnienia
cannot - nie może
elementary - podstawowy
audience - publiczność
cheer - dopingować
movies - kino
carry - nieść
remains - szczątki
divorces - rozwody
except - z wyjątkiem
midnight - północ
bonham - Bonham
loved - kochał
deaths - śmierć
bully - tyran
saturday - sobota
beautiful - piękny
early - wcześnie
grandmother - babcia
baited - przynęta
between - pomiędzy
nervous - nerwowy
break - Przerwa
knocked - zapukał
laughed - zaśmiał się
myself - siebie
feeling - uczucie
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