Walk in the park, and it's getting dark, and I don't wanna be alone,

Miss my Mummy and I miss my Daddy won't you please bring them back home,

Fly down the lane through the wind and the rain till the fires of the evening go,

Miss my Mummy and I miss my Daddy won't you please bring them back home,

Drift in time as the mountains rise from the floor of the valley below,

valley - dolina
trail - ślad
through - przez
thought - myśl
drift - dryf
shadows - cienie
distant - odległy
daylight - światło dzienne
change - Zmiana
wanna - chcę
countryside - wieś
below - poniżej
rivers - rzeki
alone - sam
bring - przynieść
daddy - tatuś
fails - nie
please - proszę
lights - Światła
mountains - Góry
fires - pożary
floor - piętro
getting - coraz
mummy - mumia
stars - gwiazdy
evening - wieczór
seasons - pory roku

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