Up all night again as for sleep no comprende

I don't sleep 'cause sleep is the cousin of death

Least that's what Nas say, sleep is a state of mind

And to know is to be on your way

I bought some bad drugs off these snotty little rave kids I met

And shuffled off to Buffalo

If I have love then I hide it

And the people that I hide it from have helped me to deny

That it's not enough baby to show you care

You gotta take on every double cross

And every double dare, I swear to you

Unchain your mind, become divine

Surrender, surrender my love

voodoo - wiara w czary
unchain - rozkuć
tired - zmęczony
swear - przysięgać
surrender - poddanie się
story - fabuła
stone - kamień
state - stan
sound - dźwięk
snotty - zasmarkany
cross - krzyż
become - stają się
enough - dość
cousin - kuzyn
night - noc
comprende - comprende
least - najmniej
again - jeszcze raz
temple - świątynia
clouds - chmury
beautiful - piękny
drugs - leki
divine - boski
these - te
child - dziecko
double - podwójnie
sleep - sen
every - dejte pozor
wired - przewodowy
buffalo - bawół
fucked - fucked
shuffled - przetasowane
death - śmierć
gotta - musieć
helped - pomógł
people - ludzie
bought - kupiony
little - mało

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