A little paint, to cover what's deep inside
A little truth you know we all want to hide
We'll I'm trying I'm trying now to get to you
But you're telling me like you always do, you say
Don't hate me, cause I'm just that good
I've got to hand it to you now
You're a hard one to please
When it looks as though you've got all you need
And all the many times I've dreamed
I could walk in your shoes,
telling - wymowny
please - proszę
paint - farba
outside - na zewnątrz
cover - pokrywa
crawling - pełzanie
always - zawsze
cause - przyczyna
looks - wygląda
after - po
something - coś
shoes - buty
dreamed - marzył
never - nigdy
everyone - każdy
trying - próbować
truth - Prawda
faster - szybciej
falling - spadanie
inside - wewnątrz
times - czasy
though - chociaż
lonely - samotny
nightmare - koszmar
house - dom
knowing - porozumiewawczy
could - mógłby
little - mało
being - istota
maybe - może
bigger - większe
misunderstood - niezrozumiany
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