I'm bringing back ghosts
That are no longer there
I'm gettin' hard on myself
Sittin' in my easy chair
Well, there's three people in the mirror
And I'm wonderin' which one of them I should choose
Well, I can't keep from laughin'
Spittin' out these 300 mile per hour outpour blues
I'm breakin' my teeth off
Tryin' to bite my lip
There's all kinds of red-headed women
That I ain't supposed to kiss
And it's that color that never fails
To turn me blue
So I just swallow it and hold on to it
And use it to scare the hell out of you
I have a woman
'Says come and watch me bleed
And I'm wonderin' just how I can do that
And still give her everything that she needs
wonder - cud
women - kobiety
winter - zimowy
which - który
watch - zegarek
three - trzy
stung - ukąszony
still - nadal
sooner - szybciej
somebody - ktoś
there - tam
swallow - łyk
school - szkoła
scarf - szalik
scare - przestraszyć
roads - drogi
problem - Problem
supposed - domniemany
pieces - kawałki
people - ludzie
outpour - wylot
teeth - zęby
night - noc
dirty - brudny
shoes - buty
needs - wymagania
eraser - gumka do mazania
shiniest - shiniest
bringing - przynoszący
color - kolor
blues - blues
victim - Ofiara
these - te
ashes - proch
woman - kobieta
instead - zamiast
tight - mocno
defensive - obronny
answer - Odpowiedź
pencil - ołówek
gloves - rękawiczki
looking - patrząc
anything - byle co
choose - wybierać
should - powinien
cigarette - papieros
battered - poobijany
never - nigdy
bleed - krwawić
chair - krzesło
hundred - sto
empty - pusty
covered - pokryty
answers - odpowiedzi
torrential - ulewny
kinds - rodzaje
breaking - łamanie
everytime - każdego razu
mirror - lustro
fails - nie
longer - dłużej
busted - złamane
fight - walka
after - po
floors - Podłogi
ghosts - duchy
holding - trzymać
gonna - gonna
hands - ręce
almost - prawie
graveyard - cmentarz
headed - głowiasty
million - milion
later - później
molecules - cząsteczki
little - mało
everything - wszystko
finger - palec
myself - siebie
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