Think I saw her for the first time maybe in a news stand

She was pickin a mag and dressed oblique

She called me baby, and was it me maybe with the song on the radio

So I told her i was rich, then she asked could i use a dirty bitch? (of course)

Then she said, 'No one loves me & neither do I

You get what you give,

I give goodbye

If i should vanish

Don't get caught off guard

Don't hold it against me

Unless it gets hard

If sex is a weapon, then smash, boom, pow,

How you like me now?

You can't always do it right, but you can always do whats left

So I told her 'I was trash', she winked & laughed and said I already know...

I've got a beautiful place to put your face' and she was right,

white - biały
whats - co
unless - chyba że
taste - Smak
vanish - znikać
strike - strajk
smash - rozbić
single - Pojedynczy
should - powinien
world - świat
sense - sens
right - dobrze
ready - gotowy
tomorrow - jutro
react - reagować
called - nazywa
clouds - chmury
about - o
weapon - broń
caught - złapany
burns - oparzenia
already - już
could - mógłby
course - kurs
people - ludzie
always - zawsze
makes - czyni
ration - racjonować
break - Przerwa
nothing - nic
control - kontrola
winked - mrugnął
future - przyszłość
asked - spytał
every - dejte pozor
controlled - kontrolowane
because - bo
laughed - zaśmiał się
neither - ani
think - myśleć
against - przeciwko
opposites - przeciwieństwa
pickin - pickin
goodbye - do widzenia
bitch - suka
wanna - chcę
first - pierwszy
radio - Radio
dirty - brudny
haste - pośpiech
behind - za
locks - zamki
loose - luźny
guard - strzec
loves - kocha
savor - smak
lightning - błyskawica
maybe - może
queue - kolejka
never - nigdy
stand - stoisko
oblique - ukośny
passion - pasja
perfect - idealny
place - miejsce
beautiful - piękny
dressed - ubrany
quick - szybki

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