little black girl in a red dress
on a hothight with a broken shoe
little black girl you shoulde never left home
theres probly someone thats still waitin' up for you
its cold back in chicago
but in los angles its worse
when all you got is $29.00 and an alligator purse
i see already that vulture in the fleetwood
with the startruse hood
can see you're trying to get you bearrings
and you say hey which ways the main stem
and where ever you say you're from
he'll say he grew up there himself
and he'll comeon and make you feel
like you grew up right next door to him
and you say take a left on a central
and he trows it in reverse
cause you only got $29.00 and an alligator purse
and he'll come on like a gentleman
worse - gorzej
which - który
where - gdzie
wasting - zmarnowanie
vulture - sęp
trying - próbować
track - tor
theres - jest
there - tam
thats - jest to
sweetheart - kochanie
cause - przyczyna
figure - postać
scene - scena
fleetwood - floty
fortunate - szczęśliwy
coffee - kawa
could - mógłby
little - mało
central - centralny
crime - przestępstwo
right - dobrze
whispered - szepnął
always - zawsze
angles - kątów
doctor - lekarz
reverse - rewers
couldnt - nie mogłem
movie - film
already - już
alive - żywy
alligator - aligator
chicago - Chicago
black - czarny
thing - rzecz
cadillac - cadillac
catch - łapać
lucky - szczęściarz
happend - zdarzyć się
player - gracz
dress - sukienka
gentleman - pan
himself - samego siebie
hollywood - hollywood
blood - krew
honey - kochanie
hotel - hotel
broken - złamany
stars - gwiazdy
never - nigdy
someone - ktoś
purse - portmonetka
joint - połączenie
nurse - pielęgniarka
samaritan - Samarytanin
seems - wydaje się
start - początek
sirens - syreny
still - nadal
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