Didn't want to be the one
The one who's left behind
While the other one goes out to life
And comes back home to find
Me, sitting pretty happily
Surrounded by a house
With cups in all their saucers
And not a bit of dust
Days going by in clouds
white - biały
while - podczas gdy
wayward - nieobliczalny
their - ich
surrounded - otoczony
sitting - posiedzenie
single - Pojedynczy
earring - kolczyk
washing - mycie
suitcase - walizka
going - chodzenie
flour - mąka
behind - za
lives - zyje
clouds - chmury
boots - buty
without - bez
fencing - ogrodzenie
mending - naprawa
comes - pochodzi
wanted - chciał
castles - zamki
getting - coraz
pretty - ładny
world - świat
saucers - spodki
happily - szczęśliwie
houses - domy
house - dom
notes - notatki
other - inny
fathers - ojcowie
children - dzieci
silver - srebro
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