She wriggles and she wraggles, she jiggles and she jaggles
You stand and watch her pass by, your line of vision ass-eye
You think that cause she smiles, that you turn all her dials
But you don't see them later, while in the elevator
You nag her and you swagger, you think you're gonna shag her
A man about the town-a, get funky, let's get down-a, machismo and machasma, it turns into miamsa
But you have got no class, no style, no social skills, no comprehension
I can't deal with this idiot, yeah I must admit that he's a punk ass bitch
while - podczas gdy
watch - zegarek
think - myśleć
swagger - wywyższać się
style - styl
stand - stoisko
social - społeczny
turns - z kolei
skills - umiejętności
mouth - usta
reason - powód
chorus - chór
admit - przyznać
bologna - Bolonia
testimony - świadectwo
later - później
bitch - suka
about - o
meathead - meathead
guido - суетности
cause - przyczyna
smiles - uśmiecha się
elevator - winda
attitude - Postawa
wriggles - szarpnięcia
vision - Wizja
stupid - głupi
machismo - machismo
gonna - gonna
repeat - powtarzać
amazed - zdziwiony
angle - Kąt
comes - pochodzi
class - klasa
comprehension - zrozumienie
dials - tarcze
jiggles - wackelt
gives - daje
funky - odjechany
idiot - idiota
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