I'm sorry I met you

I'm sorry I hurt you

I'm sorry I killed you

I'm sorry I murked you

'Cause I'm all alone now nobody is with me

Nobody to threaten that they about come get me

I wish I could go back to where we began

I wish you was alive so I could kill you again

I wish we had more paths to cross

Nobody even cares if they survive my loss

My killer's remorse

For we are the same should be laughed at

Could be the very fame shit to get your bitch ass clacked

You fell slick next now drowning in your own pool out back

I kick the cats and dog tube the shit I don't count that

You're my angel of death I strangle till there's no breath

I kill the kill kill till there ain't nobody left

My conscience don't inhibit me I kill deliberately

Just wanna be like God, 'cause God kills indiscriminately

I'm so christian I'm so muslim

Super size on your mom trigger get push up

I'm parallel to hell I'm ready so Satan what's cooking

And rappers running their mouth they don't know how close their bitch ass is coked

To get turned in ghosts nigga I will kill you

Don't get it cross memories fade just as blood washes off

I said memories fade just as blood washes off

Hope to see you soon

I'm sorry I met you

I'm sorry I hurt you

I'm sorry I killed you

I'm sorry I murked you

'Cause I'm all alone now nobody is with me

Nobody to threaten that they about come get me

I wish I could go back to where we began

I wish you was alive so I could kill you again

I wish we had more paths to cross

writing - pisanie
where - gdzie
washes - myje
wanna - chcę
violence - przemoc
utilize - wykorzystać
turned - obrócony
trigger - cyngiel
thing - rzecz
there - tam
their - ich
super - wspaniały
strangle - udusić
still - nadal
staying - przebywający
sorry - przepraszam
somebody - ktoś
because - bo
paths - Ścieżki
threaten - grozić
drowning - utonięcie
combat - walka
dream - śnić
regret - żal
deliberately - celowo
infinite - nieskończony
without - bez
danger - niebezpieczeństwo
bastards - draniu
could - mógłby
close - blisko
blood - krew
angel - anioł
moving - w ruchu
movies - kino
conscience - sumienie
clear - jasny
funeral - pogrzeb
escalated - eskalowany
keeps - utrzymuje
death - śmierć
count - liczyć
sincere - szczery
christian - chrześcijanin
cares - troska
enemies - wrogowie
empty - pusty
enemy - wróg
alone - sam
worst - najgorszy
brain - mózg
decorating - ozdabianie
chance - szansa
person - osoba
alive - żywy
reason - powód
change - Zmiana
about - o
wished - chciał
existing - istniejący
against - przeciwko
muslim - muzułmański
satan - szatan
building - budynek
contact - kontakt
bloodstain - bloodstain
started - rozpoczęty
bitch - suka
survive - przetrwać
every - dejte pozor
cross - krzyż
remorse - wyrzuty sumienia
breath - oddech
carry - nieść
cooking - gotowanie
permanent - stały
casket - kasetka
filthy - brudny
fucking - pierdolony
returned - zwrócony
bullshit - głupie gadanie
gonna - gonna
guilty - winny
shoot - strzelać
smoked - wędzony
hands - ręce
hatred - nienawiść
hugged - przytulony
indiscriminately - bezkrytycznie
inhibit - hamować
killed - zabity
should - powinien
silence - cisza
longer - dłużej
again - jeszcze raz
rejoice - cieszyć
tense - czas
making - zrobienie
began - rozpoczął się
memories - wspomnienia

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