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''Violet, Klaus and Sunny.''
It's addressed to us.
Look at all these postmarks.
It's been to England and Rome
and Kenya and lceland.
I don't even know
where these are from.
Who's it from?
Mom and Dad.
It's the letter.
The letter that never came.
''Dearest children, since we've been
abroad we have missed you all so much.
Certain events have compelled us
to extend our travels.
One day, when you're older,
you will learn all about the people
we've befriended
and the dangers we have faced.
At times, the world can seem
an unfriendly and sinister place.
But believe us when we say that there
is much more good in it than bad.
All you have to do
is look hard enough.
And what might seem to be
a series of unfortunate events
may in fact be the first steps
of a journey.
We hope to have you back
in our arms soon, darlings.
But in case this letter arrives before
our return, know that we love you.
It fills us with pride to know that
no matter what happens in this life
that you three will take care
of each other
with kindness and bravery and
selflessness, as you always have.
And remember one thing, my darlings,
and never forget it:
That no matter where we are, know
that as long as you have each other,
you have your family,
and you are home.
Your loving parents.''
world - świat
where - gdzie
unfortunate - niefortunny
travels - voyages
times - czasy
three - trzy
these - te
there - tam
sunny - słoneczny
sinister - złowrogi
series - seria
journey - podróż
extend - rozciągać się
always - zawsze
lceland - lceland
darlings - kochanie
before - przed
certain - pewny
postmarks - znaczki pocztowe
unfriendly - nieprzyjazny
events - wydarzenia
addressed - zaadresowany
abroad - za granicą
steps - kroki
kindness - życzliwość
first - pierwszy
parents - rodzice
remember - zapamiętaj
other - inny
about - o
since - od
england - england
faced - w obliczu
bravery - odwaga
compelled - zmuszony
arrives - przybywa
dangers - niebezpieczeństwa
loving - kochający
thing - rzecz
befriended - zaprzyjaźniony
believe - uwierzyć
family - rodzina
fills - wypełnia
pride - duma
forget - zapomnieć
enough - dość
happens - dzieje się
children - dzieci
kenya - Kenia
matter - materia
klaus - klaus
learn - uczyć się
older - starsze
letter - list
might - moc
missed - nieodebranych
never - nigdy
people - ludzie
place - miejsce
return - powrót
selflessness - bezinteresowność
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Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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