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All my life, I've lived
and worked in the big city,
which, now that I think of it,
is kind of a problem,
since I always feel
uncomfortable around crowds.
I mean it. I have this fear
of enclosed spaces.
Everything makes me
feel trapped all the time.
You know,
I always tell myself...
there's gotta be something
better out there.
But maybe I...
Maybe I think too much.
I think everything must
go back to the fact...
...that I had a very
anxious childhood.
You know, my mother
never had time for me.
When you're
the middle child...
in a family of five million,
you don't get any attention.
I mean, how is it possible?
And I've always had these...
these abandonment issues
which plague me.
My father was basically a drone,
like I've said.
You know, the guy flew away
when I was just a larva.
My job...
don't get me started on,
because it really annoys me.
I-I was not cut out
to be a worker,
I'll tell you right now.
I-I-I feel physically
My whole life,
I've never been able to lift
more than 10 times
my own body weight.
When you get down to it,
handling dirt is, you know...
is not my idea of
a rewarding career.
It's this whole gung-ho,
superorganism thing
that... that, you know,
I can't get.
I try, but I don't get it.
I mean, you know, I'm...
What is it?
I'm supposed to do everything
for the colony.
And-And what about my needs?
What about me?
I've gotta believe there's
someplace out there
...that's better than this.
I would just curl up in a
larval position and weep.
The whole system makes me feel...
- You've made a real breakthrough.
- I have?
Yes, Z.
You are insignificant.
I am?
Ground floor!
Uh, worker.
- Uh-oh.
- Worker.
would - by
weight - waga
times - czasy
thing - rzecz
there - tam
system - system
started - rozpoczęty
which - który
think - myśleć
spaces - przestrzenie
something - coś
someplace - jakieś miejsce
soldier - żołnierz
since - od
really - naprawdę
problem - Problem
drone - warkot
family - rodzina
handling - obsługa
otherwise - w przeciwnym razie
right - dobrze
enclosed - w załączeniu
anxious - niespokojny
breakthrough - przełom
about - o
crowds - tłumy
whole - cały
childhood - dzieciństwo
better - lepszy
trapped - uwięziony
child - dziecko
rewarding - satysfakcjonujący
never - nigdy
career - kariera
needs - wymagania
basically - gruntownie
worker - pracownik
worked - pracował
colony - kolonia
always - zawsze
uncomfortable - niewygodny
excellent - doskonały
makes - czyni
around - na około
abandonment - porzucenie
supposed - domniemany
attention - uwaga
insignificant - nieistotny
believe - uwierzyć
father - ojciec
possible - możliwy
floor - piętro
these - te
gotta - musieć
everything - wszystko
because - bo
myself - siebie
ground - ziemia
inadequate - niewystarczający
issues - problemy
annoys - denerwuje
position - pozycja
larva - larwa
larval - larwalny
lived - Mieszkał
maybe - może
middle - środkowy
million - milion
mother - mama
physically - fizycznie
plague - plaga
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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