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Rozpocznij naukę
We're not within four hundred feet
of that school, are we?
So, you guys do the whole
dress alike thing?
Always have.
You know it's just
for one room, right?
We know.
So, you guys do like,
bunk beds or something?
Or something.
Is it cool if I grow, in the soil
back there? It's pretty fresh.
Wait, is that...is that legal now,
to do that?
I'm a puppeteer.
Cool, like for
kids birthdays?
No, more performance-based,
my aesthetic isn't for kids.
So, like state fairs?
I'm an erotic puppeteer.
- Very cool place.
- Thank you.
So, Chloe, tell us
about yourself.
I'm twenty eight years old, kind of...
In between jobs right now.
I've been living in Santa Monica, but
I can't really live there anymore.
Basically I've just had
this really bad breakup
and I'm trying to get as far
away from there as possible.
Wow, that's probably the worst
pitch you've heard all day.
No, actually we've, we've heard
a lot of bad pitches today.
Chloe, tell us why you think
you'd be a good roommate?
I...I think I'm a fun person.
I'm easygoing.
-That... That's perfect, I mean we're...
really easygoing ourselves.
Well, I...
I do have a question.
- Do you like to party?
- Party?
That's a...
That's a weird question, Bobby.
No. I like to party,
I like to have a good time.
I...I just want to make sure
you're cool with that.
Do you mean like party-party
or... party-party?
Like have some drinks, dance around with
some friends, have fun kind of party?
Or do coke and fuck
kind of party?
I didn't know there was
a definition for party.
Usually when he asks me to throw a
party, it leans toward the second one,
- I meant the first one.
- He's meant the first one.
I'm fine with the first one.
Real quick, Bob, can I just
see you in the...the other room?
Are there other definitions
of party I'm not aware of?
- Real quick.
- Yeah. Sorry.
yourself - siebie
within - w ciągu
whole - cały
usually - zazwyczaj
trying - próbować
throw - rzucać
think - myśleć
thing - rzecz
thank - podziękować
state - stan
santa - święty
right - dobrze
twenty - 20
quick - szybki
puppeteer - lalkarz
eight - osiem
pitches - stanowiska kempingowe
dress - sukienka
first - pierwszy
sorry - przepraszam
perfect - idealny
definitions - definicje
dance - taniec
weird - dziwne
birthdays - urodziny
definition - definicja
person - osoba
chloe - chloe
ourselves - my sami
today - dzisiaj
second - druga
pitch - smoła
bobby - konstabl
other - inny
about - o
years - lat
around - na około
between - pomiędzy
basically - gruntownie
always - zawsze
alike - zarówno
aesthetic - estetyczny
easygoing - na luzie
performance - wydajność
possible - możliwy
something - coś
anymore - już
leans - pochyla się
based - na podstawie
aware - świadomy
breakup - zerwać
erotic - erotyczny
there - tam
school - szkoła
question - pytanie
fairs - targi
fresh - świeży
worst - najgorszy
friends - przyjaciele
monica - monica
pretty - ładny
heard - słyszał
really - naprawdę
meant - oznaczało
actually - tak właściwie
hundred - sto
drinks - napoje
legal - prawny
living - życie
party - przyjęcie
place - miejsce
toward - w kierunku
roommate - współlokator
probably - prawdopodobnie
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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